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September 8, 2015
2 min read

So, it’s the day after Labor Day and to me, officially the start of Fall. My absolute favorite time of year. And yes, I did start it out with my first Pumpkin Spice Latte. I couldn’t resist. Here in Wisconsin today it is dark and stormy and exactly the day I would rather be in the kitchen baking. But alas, I am at work. (At work, writing a blog post, don’t judge. It’s a slow day.) I love 60 degree days. Sweaters, jeans and boots. I wish it was fall year round. But my most favorite part is the baking. Of course. And while I think that we have taken the pumpkin craze a bit too far (ahem, looking at you Harvest Patch Shandy), I still adore that squash in desserts. Being that I am also a bit of a crazy list maker and planner, I am already thinking about what desserts to make for Thanksgiving. Every year we go to my mother-in-law’s house for Thanksgiving and every year I make it my mission to bring something new every time. (Except for my Pecan Pie. That is a household favorite and requested yearly now by my husband.) And though I love stalking every fall flavored dessert on Pinterest, it’s exhausting to come up with something different and creative every year. I’m sure my husband’s family wouldn’t know or care if I brought the same or similar dessert two years in a row, but I would. And nobody loves competition more than I do, with myself. It’s a sick obsession I have. But everyone else wins since they get to eat dessert.

Usually, I bring two different desserts. But since Andy has requested the Pecan Pie, I feel as though I need two more now. (see sick obsession and competing with myself as referenced above) I am exhausted already looking through desserts. And frankly, I cannot remember what I have made in the past. It’s like baker’s block. I am kicking myself for not taking pictures of all my desserts and writing the years on them. Much like my mother would sometimes do with decorating schemes she liked or furniture placement. (wonder where I get my crazy from?) I keep trying to look at Pinterest (don’t tell my boss) but I’m just too tired. Which is strange because I can ALWAYS look at desserts. My mind is a constantly running through cakes and cupcakes and pies I have yet to make. Maybe I started the PSL a little early. Yes, too soon for the PSL. I’ve Fall’d myself out already. And I’d like to point out that spell check didn’t even flinch as I typed Fall’d.

So I need a break from autumn. Before the season even officially began.. No more pumpkin anything.

Starting tomorrow.. The PSL is still delicious even after they changed the recipe.


The Girl Who Needs to Enjoy the Moment More

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