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August 18, 2015
1 min read

So, I’m finally doing it.

I’m pulling the trigger.

On starting a blog.

How cliche, right?! Oh well. So I’m light years behind the times. I don’t care.

I’ve been mulling this whole thing over for FOREVER. So I’ve finally decided to get over myself and just do it already. Fear does funny things to people. Spoiler alert, it makes me procrastinate. I put things off until the last second. But really, the last second is usually when I do my best work.

So I’m out here now, for all of cyber land to see. If you decide to read any of this blog you will notice that I can be funny, witty and very smart. And most of the time, I am the exact opposite of all of those things. Sarcastic, bitchy and rude. So if you like that sort of thing, this should be right up your alley!!

Rest assured, I won’t be bitchy ALL the time. There will be a sprinkling of d-i-y projects, cooking and lots of baking projects that I will be posting about. So if those aren’t in your wheelhouse, well, thanks for stopping by….

Come join me out here, won’t you?


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