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Open House

Open House

December 13, 2015
2 min read

The past two weekends, friends of ours have had a open house for their business. They are artists. They do stoneware pottery, raku, jewelry, etc. It’s amazing. I wish I was half as talented as they are. Check them out here. Since my medium is on the sugar side of things, they asked if I’d like to prepare some treats for their shoppers. Of course, I said yes.

I made an assortment of sweets including Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cranberry Ecstasy Bars, Espresso Cupcakes, Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes, Confetti Cookies and Pumpkin Cupcakes with Maple Brown Sugar Buttercream.

Everything was a hit which is wonderful! It gives me a rush to bake something and then hope and pray people like and enjoy it. It is a feeling that I thrive on. Needless to say, I have had some epic fails but who hasn’t? I get angry, swear a bit, and maybe cry a little. But, then I pick myself up and try it again.

I loved baking for this and setting it up. Really makes me want to open my own business even more. Here are some pictures I took from Saturday’s event.

For whatever reason I didn’t take pictures from the previous Sunday’s open house. As a consolation prize, here is a picture of the Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes.




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